
Stepanova Galina1


1. Federal State Budget Sciences Institution «Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology»


The first Russian variety of black medic of the Mira was created and included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements. The study of the symbiotic properties of this variety showed that the most promising strains for pre-sowing inoculation were LX1 and 412b, the first increased the collection of dry matter and seeds by 96 and 115%, and the second – by 81 and 73%, respectively. Both strains can be used when cultivating this variety for feed and seeds. Inoculation with the LX6 strain increased seed productivity by 84%. Strains LX2, LX5 and LX6 increase the adaptive ability of varieties of the Mira, shifting the metabolism of the alfalfa-rhizobial system towards increasing seed productivity. The proportion of seeds in plants inoculated with the above-mentioned strains increases to 24–31% of the total plant weight, and in other symbiotic systems this indicator was 19–22%. Strain LX1 was isolated from nodules of plants belonging to the same population on the basis of which the Mira variety was created and it is the most genetically complementary to this variety. The yield of black medic of the Mira variety without inoculation for two years of use was 3.3 t/ha of dry matter, 0.67 t/ha of seeds. Pre-sowing inoculation of seeds with the LX1 strain increased the yield of this variety to 6.48 t/ha (+96%) of dry matter and seeds – to 1.44 t/ha (+115%). In the vegetation experiment, inoculation with the rhizobium strain LX1 significantly increased the height of plants by 4.2 cm, the leaf area by 0.69 cm2 (+49%), productivity by 176%. The total nitrogen content in the aboveground part of the plants reached 3.63%, the roots 3.31%, the control indicators were 3.02 and 2.77%, respectively.


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

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