The objective of this research was to learn about the influence of the use of learning styles in the virtual academic formation of ULEAM students, Extension El Carmen. To this end, the positivist paradigm was used through the quantitative approach, with correlational level field research. The study population was one thousand five hundred and two (1502) students, calculating a sample of three hundred and seven (307), which was extracted with 95% confidence criteria and 5% margin of error, taking two sections of each course at different levels, with the purpose of knowing different opinions from various groups. For the collection of data, the survey technique was used by means of a Likert-type questionnaire, and in this way process the data by using the SPSS version 25. The results obtained show that there is a strong positive correlation in the use of learning styles and the academic training of students. Likewise, it was determined that in the Basic Education career there is a good management of these learning styles, while those of other careers varied from medium to low.
Universidad Catolica Luis Amigo
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