Legal Values of Russian Conservatism and Their Impact on Professional Legal Consciousness


Kuzubova Angelina Yurievna1ORCID,Podoksenov Alexander Modestovich2ORCID,Solovyova Larisa L.3ORCID,Kvasova Olga Andreevna4ORCID,Podoksenova Maria Alexandrovna5ORCID


1. Voronezh State Pedagogical University

2. Bunin Yelets State University

3. Russian State University of Justice (Central Branch of the Russian State University of Justice)

4. Belgorod State University

5. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID:


Of scientific interest is the process and the result of the cognitive activity of law enforcement, which affects the functioning of the entire legal system. The problem of developing the professional legal conscience of law enforcement is revealed through the study of its value component, so the reference to the legal axiology of 19th-century Russian conservatism is a relevant scientific issue. The authors consider the opinions of the main conservative thinkers of the pre-revolutionary period: K. N. Leontiev and K. P. Pobedonostsev, the heritage of I. A. Ilyin that belongs to the first quarter of the twentieth century, etc. It is concluded that professional legal understanding must be based both on the modern legal paradigm and on the national legal tradition, mentality and established positive social practices. It is necessary to correlate values of the ethical and legal categories: justice and truth, rights and duties, dignity and honor, freedom, equality, order, etc. It can be said that the modern legal conscience of special subjects accumulates many legal values of Russian conservatism, including "justice", "order", "responsibility".


Cuestiones Politicas, Universidad del Zulia


General Economics, Econometrics and Finance

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