Specific characteristics of corporate rights under Ukrainian legislation


Tsikalo Volodymyr1ORCID


1. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the exercise of corporate rights under the civil law of Ukraine in order to identify their specific characteristics. Through a documentary methodology, close to legal hermeneutics, it was concluded that the participant of a legal entity (company) may have not only corporate rights but also other rights over this legal entity (company). Therefore, it is not enough to say that the rights of a person whose participation is defined in the authorized capital are corporate. It is important that the content of these rights is due to the ownership share (share, number of shares) in the authorized capital of the legal person (company). It was also found that intangible corporate rights must be distinguished from the personal intangible rights of the individual. The concepts of “non-economic rights” and “non-economic personal rights” are not identical. In relation to a person, intangible rights should be divided into two types: non-economic rights that are not closely related to a person (e.g., non-economic corporate rights); intangible rights that are closely related to a person and are inseparable from a person (personal intangible rights).


Universidad del Zulia


General Economics, Econometrics and Finance

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