1. Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
2. Odessa State University of Internal Affairs
The objective of the article is to study the international experience of involving citizens in the prevention and fight against crime. The research methodology includes the following legal, general, and special methods: logical method, hermeneutic method, monographic method, comparative legal method, sociological methods, abstract-logical method. The views of Ukrainian and foreign academics on the problem of involving citizens in cooperation with the police to prevent and combat crime are examined. It analyses the experience of individual countries around the world on the peculiarities of involving citizens in crime prevention. It examinesin detail the practice of cooperation of citizens with the police of countries such as the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and a few others. To achieve this objective, the relevant government and regional programmes of these states were studied and the necessary data analyzed. It is concluded that they haveidentified circumstances that prevent the participation of the population in cooperation with the police in Ukraine. As a result, they suggest appropriate ways to solve these problems.
Cuestiones Politicas, Universidad del Zulia
General Economics, Econometrics and Finance
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2 articles.