Rule of law in the context of judicial reform as a direction of ensuring the accessibility of administrative proceedings


Tylchyk Vyacheslav1ORCID,Riabchenko Olena1ORCID,Yarmaki Khrystofor2ORCID,Riabchenko Yurii3ORCID,Leschynsky Viktor4


1. Department of Administrative Law and Process and Customs Security, Doctor of Law, University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

2. Department of Administrative law and procedure, Doctor of Law, Odessa State University of internal affairs: Odessa

3. Department of Civil Law and Process, Doctor of Law University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

4. Chairman of the National Expert Building Alliance of Ukraine, Vice President of ABU, Candidate of Science in Public Administration. National Expert Building Alliance of Ukraine, Ukraine


The objective of the study is to analyze the rule of law in the context of the implementation of reforms of the judiciary, the judiciary, and related legal institutions as a direction to ensure the accessibility of administrative justice in Ukraine, revealing its relationship and interdependence. The study found that the availability of administrative procedures is provided by the requirements of all these generic subsystems of the principles that determine modern standards of activity in European countries. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material, as well as the formulation of relevant conclusions. During the research, scientific cognition methods were used: terminological, logical-semantic, functional, system-structural, logical-normative, comparative. They highlight in the conclusions that the study found that the amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in the context of judicial reform made it possible to revise the classical principles of the judiciary, but there are still important unresolved aspects to ensure full compliance with the rule of law, its specification in the constitutional provisions and legislative acts of Ukraine of substantive and procedural content, among other aspects.


Universidad del Zulia


General Economics, Econometrics and Finance

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