1. Regional office of the French Public Health Agency (Cire Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées), Montpellier, France
2. Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées, National Reference Laboratory for arboviruses, Marseille, France
3. Entente Interdépartementale pour la Démoustication du littoral Méditerranéen (EID Méditerranée), Public mosquito control operator, Montpellier, France
4. Laboratory MIVEGEC (UMR 224-5290 CNRS-IRD-UM), Montpellier, France
5. Regional Health Agency of Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées, Montpellier, France
6. The French Public Health Agency (Santé publique France), Saint-Maurice, France
7. French National Centre of Expertise on Vectors, Montpellier, France