1. Gastrointestinal Infections and Food Safety (One Health Unit), UK Health Security Agency, London, United Kingdom
2. Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité, Centre National de Référence des E. coli, Shigella et Salmonella, Unité des Bactéries pathogènes entériques, Paris, France
3. Sante Publique France, Direction des Maladies Infectieuses Unité EAZ, Paris, France
4. Clinical and Protecting Health Directorate, Public Health Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom
5. Robert Koch Institute, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology FG 35 - Gastrointestinal Infections, Zoonoses and Tropical Infections, Berlin, Germany
6. Robert Koch Institute, Department of Infectious Diseases, Unit for Enteropathogenic Bacteria and Legionella / National Reference Centre for Salmonella and other Bacterial Enterics, Wernigerode, Germany
7. Public Health Agency of Sweden, Unit for Zoonoses and Antibiotic Resistance, Stockholm, Sweden
8. Public Health Agency of Sweden, Unit for laboratory surveillance of bacterial pathogens, Stockholm, Sweden
9. Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium
10. ECDC Fellowship Programme, Field Epidemiology path (EPIET), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden
11. National Reference Centre for Salmonella and Shigella, Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium
12. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Centre for Infectious Disease Control, Bilthoven, Netherlands
13. Health Inspection, Health Directorate, Luxembourg
14. Laboratoire National de Santé, Epidemiology and Microbial Genomics, Dudelange, Luxembourg
15. Department of Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway
16. HSE -Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland
17. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Madrid, Spain
18. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. CIBER epidemiología y salud pública. Madrid, Spain
19. Specialist Scientific Reference Service (Salmonella), Gastrointestinal Bacteria Reference Unit, UK Health Security Agency, London, United Kingdom
20. Scottish Microbiology Reference Laboratories, Glasgow, United Kingdom