1. World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark
2. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden
3. UK Health Security Agency, London, United Kingdom
4. Public Health Center of the MOH of Ukraine (UPHC), Kyiv, Ukraine
5. Health Directorate, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
6. National Institute of Public Health (NIH) – National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
7. Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
8. Instituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
9. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Olso, Norway
10. Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
11. National Institute of Public Health, Prague, Czechia
12. Public Health Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom
13. Ministry of Public Health, Malta
14. National Public Health Organization, Athens, Greece
15. French Public Health Agency, Paris, France
16. Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium
17. Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel