Seasonal influenza immunisation in Europe. Overview of recommendations and vaccination coverage for three seasons: pre-pandemic (2008/09), pandemic (2009/10) and post-pandemic (2010/11)


Mereckiene J12,Cotter S21,Nicoll A3,Lopalco P3,Noori T3,Weber J T4,D'Ancona F25,Lévy-Bruhl D26,Dematte L27,Giambi C25,Valentiner-Branth P28,Stankiewicz I29,Appelgren E25,O’Flanagan D21,the VENICE project gatekeepers group Collective10


1. Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland

2. Vaccine European New Integrated Collaboration Effort (VENICE) Project

3. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden

4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, United States

5. Istituto Superiore di Sanitá, Rome, Italy

6. French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (Institut de Veille Sanitare, InVS), Saint-Maurice, France

7. CINECA Consortium of Universities, Bologna, Italy

8. Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark

9. National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland

10. The gatekeepers are listed at the end of the article


Since 2008, annual surveys of influenza vaccination policies, practices and coverage have been undertaken in 29 European Union (EU)/ European Economic Area (EEA) countries. After 2009, this monitored the impact of European Council recommendation to increase vaccination coverage to 75% among risk groups. This paper summarises the results of three seasonal influenza seasons: 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11. In 2008/09, 27/29 countries completed the survey; in 2009/10 and 2010/11, 28/29 completed it. All or almost all countries recommended vaccination of older people (defined as those aged ≥50, ≥55, ≥59, ≥60 or ≥65 years), and people aged ≥6 months with clinical risk and healthcare workers. A total of 23 countries provided vaccination coverage data for older people, but only 7 and 10 had data for the clinical risk groups and healthcare workers, respectively. The number of countries recommending vaccination for some or all pregnant women increased from 10 in 2008/09 to 22 in 2010/11. Only three countries could report coverage among pregnant women. Seasonal influenza vaccination coverage during and after the pandemic season in older people and clinical groups remained unchanged in countries with higher coverage. However, small decreases were seen in most countries during this period. The results of the surveys indicate that most EU/EEA countries recommend influenza vaccination for the main target groups; however, only a few countries have achieved the target of 75% coverage among risk groups. Coverage among healthcare workers remained low.


European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC)


Virology,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Epidemiology

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