Hepatitis A outbreak in British Columbia, Canada: the roles of established surveillance, consumer loyalty cards and collaboration, February to May 2012


Swinkels H M12,Kuo M3,Embree G4,Fraser Health Environmental Health Investigation Team Collective5,Andonov A6,Henry B32,Buxton J A23


1. Office of the Medical Health Officer, Public Health Fraser Health Authority, Surrey, Canada

2. School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

3. Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Services, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, Canada

4. Health Protection, Public Health, Fraser Health Authority, Surrey, Canada

5. The team members are listed at the end of the article

6. National Medical Laboratory, Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health, Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg, Canada


Non-travel-related hepatitis A is rare in Canada. We describe a hepatitis A outbreak investigation in British Columbia in February to May 2012 in which exposure history was collected from nine confirmed non-travel-related cases. Suspected foods were tested for hepatitis A virus (HAV): a frozen fruit blend was identified as a common exposure for six of the nine cases using supermarket loyalty cards. Consumption of the product was confirmed in each case. Genetic analysis confirmed HAV genotype 1B in the six exposed cases. Of the three non-exposed cases, the virus could not be genotyped for two of them; the virus from the other case was found to be genotype 1A and this case was therefore not considered part of the outbreak. HAV was detected by PCR from pomegranate seeds, a component of the identified frozen fruit blend. Historically low levels of HAV infection in British Columbia triggered early recognition of the outbreak. Loyalty card histories facilitated product identification and a trace-back investigation implicated imported pomegranate seeds.


European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC)


Virology,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Epidemiology

Reference29 articles.

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5. A Multistate, Foodborne Outbreak of Hepatitis A








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