1. 1) BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP and OIML: “International Vocabulary of Metrology − Basic and General Concepts and Asso-ciated Terms (3rd Ed.),” VIM (2008)
2. 2) BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP and OIML: “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement,” ISO, Geneva (1995) B.N. Taylor and C.E. Kuyatt: “Guidelines for evaluating and express-ing the uncertainty of NIST measurement results,” NIST Technical Note 1297 (1994)
3. 3) IEC: “AC loss measurements-Total AC loss measurement of Cu/NbTi composite superconducting wires exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field by a pickup coil method,” IEC61788-8(1st Ed) (2003)
4. Flux Penetration into a Wire of a Nonideal Type II Superconductor in a Transverse Magnetic Field
5. C.Y. Pang, A.M. Campbell and P.G. McLaren: “Losses in Nb/Ti mul-tifilamentary composite when exposed to transverse alternating and rotating fields,” IEEE Trans. Magn. MAG-17 (1981) 134-137