Facial Contour Preservation of Anterior Immediate Single-Tooth Replacement With the Socket Shield Technique Versus Connective Tissue Graft: A Case Report
Limmeechokchai Sunee1,
Kan Joseph Y. K.1,
Rungcharassaeng Kitichai1,
Chen Joey T.1,
Goodacre Brian1,
Lozada Jaime1
1. Loma Linda University School of Dentistry Loma Linda, California UNITED STATES
Socket shield technique (SST) and subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) following immediate implant placement with provisionalization (IIPP) had been advocated for peri-implant facial contour and gingival architecture preservation. This case report used the 3D volumetric analysis to longitudinally assess the peri-implant facial contour change before and after these procedures. The results demonstrated a comparable and acceptable preservation of peri-implant facial contour between the 2 procedures after 2 years of function.
American Academy of Implant Dentistry