Planning of clinical trial programmes for medicines for the treatment of obesity


Proskurina I. A.1ORCID,Gorskaya T. E.1ORCID,Goryachev D. V.1ORCID


1. Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products


Scientific relevance. Obesity is a significant public health problem. Currently, the Russian Federation and the other Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) do not have regulatory documents and recommendations for planning clinical trials (CTs) of new (original) medicines for the treatment of obesity.Aim. The study aimed to provide recommendations on the basic principles of planning and conducting CTs of medicines for the treatment of obesity.Discussion. The authors reviewed the requirements for conducting CTs of medicines for the treatment of obesity set forth by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In addition, the authors analysed approaches to CTs providing for a reliable evaluation of the efficacy and safety of medicines for the treatment of obesity. The primary endpoint of such CTs is a statistically significant loss of at least 5% of the baseline weight after 12 months of treatment. Secondary endpoints include assessments of abdominal obesity reduction, subcutaneous and visceral fat reduction, and the medicinal product’s effect on maintaining a reduced body weight.Conclusions. In addition, CTs should investigate the effects of treatment on cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular morbidity/mortality. A CT protocol should define the intercurrent events that should be considered in the analysis of trial results. When investigating the safety of medicines for the treatment of obesity, studies should focus on neuropsychiatric safety, the potential for abuse/addiction and withdrawal reactions, and the development of valvulopathy and pulmonary hypertension. These recommendations may be of use to experts evaluating clinical development programmes or marketing authorisation submissions for medicines for the treatment of obesity.



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