Modern principles of treatment of Peyronie's disease


Zurnadzh'yants V. A.1,Kurashov D. V.2,Kchibekov E. A.1,Proskurin A. A.3


1. Astrakhan State Medical University

2. Multidisciplinary Clinic “Euromedprestizh”

3. City Clinical Hospital No. 3 named after S. M. Kirov


   Fibroplastic induration of the penis, known as Peyronie's disease, remains one of the most difficult problems in medicine today. The prevalence of the disease among men ranges from 2.5 % to 9 % between the ages of 40 and 70 (statistics according to studies conducted by scientists in different countries). It is a benign, slowly progressive disease. It is characterized by the formation of idiopathic fibrous plaques in the albuginea of the penis. Peyronie's disease affects not only the organic part of a man's health, but also affects the psychological aspects of his activity, negatively affects the patient's professional activity and family life, which determines not only the medical, but also the social significance of the problem. The hypothesis of the occurrence of Peyronie's disease has received wide publicity as a result of a trauma to the penis, in which bleeding and delamination of the albuginea occur, and a neglected inflammatory process with disorganization of elastic fibers with collagen deposition heals with coarse scarring. Despite the fact that progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms of development of Peyronie's disease, the therapy of this disease remains one of the most complex and controversial. Analysis of literary sources shows that unsatisfactory results of surgical treatment are still at a high level. In modern medicine, there is practically no single focus that allows you to determine the tactics of treatment.

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