Modern principles of predicting the course of pneumonia in COVID-19


Aliev A. A.1,Antonyan V. V.1,Kchibekov E. A.1,Ostroverkhov O. P.1,Babaeva A. R.2


1. Astrakhan State Medical University

2. Astrakhan State Medical University; Volgograd State Medical University


In March of the two thousand twentieth year, the World Health Organization registered the COVID-19 pandemic, a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which was a historical fact, as a global catastrophe of the world level. It is proved that the most common clinical picture of a new viral infection is pneumonia, which is often complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome in most patients. Unfortunately, the non-decreasing mortality of patients with pneumonia, options for severe pneumonia, and the search for rational treatment have been worrying clinicians for a long time, and in the pandemic of COVID-19 disease remains very relevant. According to WHO, pneumonia ranks 4th in the structure of causes of death, mortality from it is 5 %, and among the elderly reaches 30 %. According to statistics presented by many authors, more than 25 % of pneumonia patients admitted to intensive care units die from septic complications. Currently, clinicians make significant and numerous errors in the diagnosis of severe forms of pneumonia using the severity of the clinical picture, in which there is a distribution of patients in need of resuscitation measures that allow determining the most adequate etiopathogenetic therapy (antiviral, antibiotic therapy, detoxification) and predicting an unfavourable outcome of pneumonia.Many authors have proved that the severity of the severe condition of patients with pneumonia is affected by intoxication syndrome, decreased reactivity of the body and metabolism, comorbid background, respiratory failure and cardiovascular insufficiency.


Astrakhan State Medical University

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