1. Astrakhan State Medical University
2. Chechen State University named after. A.A. Kadyrov
In the course of this study, the authors measured the angles of origin of the renal arteries from the ab-dominal aorta. in patients with a hypersthenic body type, the highest values of deviation angles are recorded for the LPA < 99.820° and the normosthenic type < 88.740° for the PPA), the smallest among patients with an asthenic body type (< 75.650° for the PPA and < 83.600° for the LPA). Taking into account gender, it was found that the smallest values of the angles of the VA in men were found in old age (47.79° ± 8.76° for the RA and 60.43° ± 9.14° for the LAA), the maximum values were recorded in patients in adulthood (72.65° ± 6.75°). In women, the RAA extends at a more acute angle only in the group of elderly patients (52.77° ± 10.02°).
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