Influencing Youth Involvement in Entrepreneurship: Implications for Policy Makers in the Kingdom of Bahrain


Ahmed Umair


Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in developing and fostering a robust socio-economic culture in any economy. Robust entrepreneurial initiatives are considered as the source of fresh blood for any economy. Healthy entrepreneurial activities result in creating more employment opportunities, better working prospects and societal development. Today, economies that are striving to become highly developed and economically stable are striving to enable their employees to become more entrepreneurial. Importantly, studies have outlined that there is a dire need for nations to understand the vital role youth can play in this regard. Since young individuals are more eager to grow, willing to take the risk and go for the high mark to become their own bosses, there are higher chances that they can become more successful entrepreneurs. Notably, youth entrepreneurship is of utmost importance for both national as well as international economic wellbeing. Keeping these arguments beforehand, this paper has attempted to critically underline factors that could help policy makers to boost youth involvement in entrepreneurial activities in Bahrain.


International Association for Educators and Researchers (IAER)

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