1. Institute of Biochemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow W.2, U.K.
Stimulation of incorporation of labelled precursors into the RNA of immature rat uterus is an early result of oestradiol-17β action. However, the extent of the increased incorporation varies with the mode of administration of the labelled precursors and with the weight of the rat. At the age and weight range normally used response is maximal at ten times control incorporation, 4h after the administration of 0.3μg or more of oestradiol-17β. Under these conditions the stimulation of incorporation into the acid-soluble fraction is only 2–2.5-fold. When the purified RNA is separated on polyacrylamide gels the major increase in incorporation of radioactive precursor is found in rRNA and 4S RNA; the formation of the former has been followed from the 45S precursor. Preceding these events by at least 30min, however, is an increase in the incorporation of precursor into RNA species of very high molecular weight, which remained in the first few slices of the gel. The possible significance of these findings is discussed. The increased synthesis of rRNA in response to oestradiol-17β is more strongly inhibited by actinomycin D than the synthesis of other RNA species. Cycloheximide, depending on time of administration and dosage, inhibits either RNA synthesis or the maturation of rRNA.
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78 articles.