Synthesis of adenosine triphosphate in isolated nuclei and intact cells


Klouwen H. M.1,Appelman A. W. M.1


1. Radiobiological Institute TNO, Lange Kleiweg 151, Rijswijk (Z.H.), The Netherlands.


1. It has previously been demonstrated that nuclei isolated from normal and neoplastic lymphoid cells are capable of oxygen-dependent ATP synthesis. In this paper it is shown that also the corresponding intact cells can synthesize ATP under those conditions in which nuclei can synthesize ATP. 2. In nuclei isolated from liver, kidney, rhabdomyosarcoma and osteosarcoma, oxygen-dependent ATP synthesis could not be demonstrated. The cells isolated from these tissues or tumours could not synthesize ATP either. The alternatives that such nuclei lost their ability for oxidative phosphorylation during the isolation procedure or that the process does not occur in these nuclei were explored. 3. Janus Green B, a vital stain for mitochondria, was used as a differential inhibitor of mitochondrial and nuclear ATP synthesis in intact cells. 4. Oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria isolated from cells that had been incubated with various concentrations of Janus Green B (1-10mum) was seriously uncoupled, whereas at these concentrations oxygen-dependent ATP synthesis in isolated nuclei and in isolated cells were only inhibited to a small extent. 5. The results suggest that oxygen-dependent ATP synthesis in isolated cells measured under ;nuclear' conditions and in the presence of Janus Green B and Ca(2+) is mainly due to nuclear oxygen-dependent ATP synthesis. The stimulation of cellular ATP synthesis by glucose was completely inhibited by Janus Green B. 6. It is tentatively concluded that the stimulation of ATP synthesis in isolated cells by glucose, which is not found in isolated nuclei, represents mitochondrial ATP synthesis, and nuclear and mitochondrial ATP synthesis can then be studied differentially in the intact cell. The possibility is considered that oxygen-dependent nuclear ATP synthesis is not a general property of cell nuclei.


Portland Press Ltd.







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