Functional and structural characterization of the myoglobin from the polychaete Ophelia bicornis


Sanna M. Teresa1,Manconi Barbara1,Castagnola Massimo23,Giardina Bruno23,Masia Daniela1,Messana Irene13,Olianas Alessandra1,Patamia Maria3,Petruzzelli Raffaele4,Pellegrini Mariagiuseppina1


1. Dipartimento di Scienze Applicate ai Biosistemi, Università di Cagliari, Cittadella Universitaria, I-09042 Monserrato (CA), Italy

2. Istituto di Biochimica e Biochimica Clinica, Facoltà di Medicina, Università Cattolica, Rome, Italy

3. Istituto per la Chimica del Riconoscimento Molecolare, CNR, Largo F. Vito 1, I-00168, Rome, Italy

4. Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Università “G. D' Annunzio”, I-66100 Chieti, Italy


The myoglobin of the polychaete annelid Ophelia bicornis was isolated, purified to homogeneity and characterized. The primary structure, obtained from cDNA and protein sequencing, consists of 139 amino acid residues. The alignment with other globin sequences showed that O. bicornis myoglobin misses the pre-A helix and the first six residues of the A helix. The presence of a PheB10-GlnE7 haem distal residue pair is in agreement with the measured oxygen affinity (P50=0.85 mmHg; 1 mmHg=0.133 kPa) and the only slightly higher autoxidation rate constant (0.28 h−1) with respect to that of the sperm whale myoglobin mutant E7 His→Gln (0.21 h−1) and to elephant myoglobin (0.1 h−1). Oxygen-binding co-operativity was found to be absent under all the examined experimental conditions. The resistance of O. bicornis myoglobin towards autoxidation seems to confirm the important role of part of the A helix in the stability of the globin. The higher pKa of the acid–alkaline ferric transition of O. bicornis with respect to Asian elephant myoglobin, as well as the higher absorbance ratio of its ferric form to the oxy form measured in the Soret region (γmet/γoxy) with respect to that of the African elephant myoglobin, suggested a stronger interaction between the distal glutamine and the water molecule at the sixth co-ordinate position.


Portland Press Ltd.


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry

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