The metabolism in vitro and hepatic microsomal interactions of some enantiomeric drug substrates


Hewick David S.1,Fouts James R.1


1. Department of Pharmacology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa 52240, U.S.A.


1. The metabolism in vitro and microsomal interactions of (+)-amphetamine, (−)-amphetamine, (+)-benzphetamine and (−)-benzphetamine were studied with hepatic microsomes from phenobarbitone-pretreated male rabbits. 2. (+)-Benzphetamine was N-demethylated 30–35% faster than (−)-benzphetamine, but the apparent Michaelis constants for the two enantiomers were similar. 3. (−)-Amphetamine was deaminated about 200% faster than (+)-amphetamine. 4. The benzphetamine enantiomers gave qualitatively and quantitatively identical type I microsomal difference spectra (peak, 390nm; trough, 425nm) indicating identical apparent binding affinities for microsomes and identical spectral changes at maxima (ΔEmax. values). 5. The amphetamine enantiomers gave qualitatively identical type II microsomal difference spectra (peak, 433nm; trough, 395nm). However, the type II spectral data indicated that (+)-amphetamine had a markedly higher apparent binding affinity than (−)-amphetamine for microsomes. The amphetamine enantiomers gave identical ΔEmax. values. 6. The benzphetamine enantiomers (0.5mm) enhanced the rate of microsomal cytochrome P-450 reduction by NADPH by 400–500%, (+)-benzphetamine enhancing the rate 20–25% more than (−)-benzphetamine. 7. The amphetamine enantiomers decreased the rate of microsomal cytochrome P-450 reduction by NADPH. At a concentration of 2mm, (+)-amphetamine decreased the rate more than (−)-amphetamine. 7. All four enantiomers enhanced microsomal NADPH oxidation.


Portland Press Ltd.







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