Thiol-dependent changes in the properties of rat liver sulphotransferases


Barford D. J.1,Jones J. G.1


1. Department of Biochemistry, University College, P.O. Box 78, Cardiff CF1 1XL, U.K.


1. Two enzymes (A and B) which catalyse the sulphation of p-nitrophenol and l-tyrosine methyl ester have been isolated from female rat livers. One of these enzymes (A) also catalyses the sulphation of dehydroepiandrosterone. 2. The Km values for the sulphation of p-nitrophenol and l-tyrosine methyl ester by enzyme B at pH7.5 are 1.5μm and 2.9mm respectively. 3. Enzyme B is oxidized on keeping at 0°C when the Km and Vmax. values for the sulphation of p-nitrophenol are increased approx. 200-fold and fourfold respectively. This oxidized preparation of enzyme B fails to catalyse the sulphation of l-tyrosine methyl ester. 4. When the oxidized form of enzyme B is kept at 0°C and low ionic strength then further forms of p-nitrophenol sulphotransferase are produced having even lower affinities for the sulphate acceptor. 5. The Km value for adenosine 3′-phosphate 5′[35S]-sulphatophosphate is not affected during storage of the enzyme under these conditions. 6. Prolonged storage of enzyme B at low ionic strength leads to a considerable degree of polymerization of p-nitrophenol sulphotransferase and l-tyrosine methyl ester sulphotransferase. 7. The changes in the kinetic properties and molecular size of enzyme B during storage are reversed by dithiothreitol.


Portland Press Ltd.

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