Use of membrane vesicles to estimate the numbers of system y+ and system L amino acid transporters in human erythrocytes


Tse C M1,Fincham D A1,Ellory J C12,Young J D3


1. * Department of Medicine, G. I. Division, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 725 Wolfe Street, Hungterian # 503, Baltimore, MD 21205, U.S.A.

2. University Laboratory of Physiology, South Parks Road, Oxford OXl 3PT, U.K.

3. Department of Physiology, 7-55 Medical Sciences Building, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H7


We have used equilibrium values for L-leucine and L-lysine uptake by right-side-out vesicles to estimate the membrane abundance (sites/cell) of Na(+)-dependent amino acid transport systems L and y+ in human erythrocytes. All of the intravesicular space was accessible to L-leucine, as judged by comparisons with uridine uptake via the equilibrative nucleoside transporter (10(4) sites/cell). In contrast, only 28% of the total intravesicular space was accessible to L-lysine uptake via system y+. Since human erythrocyte membranes generate an average of approximately 1000 vesicles/cell, these data provide evidence that system L is a relatively high-abundance membrane transport protein in human erythrocytes, while system y+ is present in smaller amounts (approximately 300 copies/cell). Calculated turnover numbers for L-lysine transport by system y+ at 37 degrees C are 24 s-1 for zero-trans influx and 150 s-1 for equilibrium-exchange influx.


Portland Press Ltd.


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry







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