1. Inositide Laboratory, Signalling Programme, The Babraham Institute, Cambridge CB2 4AT, U.K.
The mitogen-activated and stress-activated protein kinases transduce signals from plasma membrane signalling machinery into the nucleus to modulate gene expression. By regulating the genomic response to environmental cues (growth factors, stresses) these pathways determine whether a cell re-enters the cell cycle, undergoes cell cycle arrest, senescence or apoptosis. We are particularly interested in how these pathways integrate with each other, and interact with the cell cycle machinery to achieve these discrete biological responses.
Cited by
43 articles.
1. Plate Section (PDF Only);Insect Diapause;2022-02-03
2. Subject Index;Insect Diapause;2022-02-03
3. Species Index;Insect Diapause;2022-02-03
4. References;Insect Diapause;2022-02-03
5. Wider Implications;Insect Diapause;2022-02-03