The separate roles of glucose and insulin in the induction of glucokinase in hepatocytes isolated from neonatal rats


Wakelam M J,Walker D G


1. The specificity of the effect of glucose on the induction of glucokinase activity that occurs when hepatocytes freshly isolated from 13-day-old rats are incubated in Medium 199 together with insulin [Wakelam & Walker (1980) FEBS Lett. 111, 115-119] was examined. A pattern that is different from other known effects of glucose is found, and metabolism of this compound is not necessarily to account for this particular effect. 2. The effects of a raised glucose concentration and of insulin on the induction can be separated. The hexose initiates the process in the absence of insulin in a manner that is sensitive to actinomycin D but not to cycloheximide. The subsequent effect of insulin is dependent on the prior effect of glucose or other positive analogue, does not require the presence of glucose and is inhibited by cycloheximide but not by actinomycin D. 3. Induction of glucokinase in vitro in hepatocytes from neonatal animals is inhibited by adrenaline, glucagon and dibutyryl cyclic AMP, but not by vasopressin or angiotensin II. The inhibition by cyclic AMP is on the stage requiring insulin and is comparatively specific, because total protein synthesis is not apparently diminished. 4. The implications of these results are discussed with reference to possible mechanisms of induction and to the situation in vivo.


Portland Press Ltd.

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