The pathway of glutamine and glutamate oxidation in isolated mitochondria from mammalian cells


Kovačević Zoran1


1. City of Hope Medical Center, Division of Neurosciences, Duarte, Calif. 91010, U.S.A.


1. Pyruvate strongly inhibited aspartate production by mitochondria isolated from Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells, and rat kidney and liver respiring in the presence of glutamine or glutamate; the production of14CO2 from l-[U-14C]glutamine was not inhibited though that from l-[U-14C]glutamate was inhibited by more than 50%. 2. Inhibition of aspartate production during glutamine oxidation by intact Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells in the presence of glucose was not accompanied by inhibition of CO2 production. 3. The addition of amino-oxyacetate, which almost completely suppressed aspartate production, did not inhibit the respiration of the mitochondria in the presence of glutamine, though the respiration in the presence of glutamate was inhibited. 4. Glutamate stimulated the respiration of kidney mitochondria in the presence of glutamine, but the production of aspartate was the same as that in the presence of glutamate alone. 5. The results suggest that the oxidation of glutamate produced by the activity of mitochondrial glutaminase can proceed almost completely through the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway if the transamination pathway is inhibited. This indicates that the oxidation of glutamate is not limited by a high [NADPH]/[NADP+] ratio. 6. It is suggested that under physiological conditions the transamination pathway is a less favourable route for the oxidation of glutamate (produced by hydrolysis of glutamine) in Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells, and perhaps also kidney, than the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway, as the production of acetyl-CoA strongly inhibits the first mechanism. The predominance of the transamination pathway in the oxidation of glutamate by isolated mitochondria can be explained by a restricted permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane to glutamate and by a more favourable location of glutamate–oxaloacetate transaminase compared with that of glutamate dehydrogenase.


Portland Press Ltd.







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