Japan Wood Preserving Association
Reference22 articles.
1. Identification of basidiomycetes in decayed wood by a method using non-specific amplification of DNA
2. 3) 杉山智昭, 森満範, 東智則: 種特異的PCR法による木材腐朽菌の検出.同定. 北海道林産試験場報, 538, 1-5(2009).
3. 4) Schmidt, O. and Moreth, U. : Species-specific PCR primers in the rDNA-ITS region as a diagnostic tool for Serpula lacrymans. Mycol. Res., 14(1), 69-72(2000).
4. Specific detection of a basidiomycete, Phlebia brevispora associated with butt rot of Chamaecyparis obtusa, by PCR-based analysis