Popova А.Yu.,Balakhonov S.V.,Goryaev D.V.,Dmitrieva G.M.,Filatova S.А.,Sharakshanov M.B.,Vishnyakov V.А.,Mironova L.V.,Khunkheeva Zh.Yu.,Sidorova Е.А.,Sevostyanova А.V.,Kulikalova Е.S.,Vityazeva S.А.,Perevalova M.А.,Rusin M.V.,Kostrykina Т.V.,Sorokina O.V.,Chepizhko Т.G.,Andaev Е.I.,Chesnokova M.V.,Noskov А.К.
Retrospective analysis of sickness rate of infectious diseases demanding realization of measures for
sanitary protection of the Russian Federation territory and actual high contagious nosologies that
epidemic manifestations can form an epidemiological emergency situation is carried out on the basis of
the data of World Health Organization and Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumers’ Rights
Protection and Human Wellbeing with use of a technique for organization of sanitary anti-epidemic
support of mass actions with the international participation (МR 3.1.0079/2-13). It is established that
human flu caused by a new virus subtype, cholera, Lassa fever, illnesses caused by Ebola and Marburg
viruses and also measles, rubella and acute enteric virus infections forming the external epidemiological
risk during the XXIX Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk city represent the greatest threat. High
risk of the disease importations demanding realization of actions for sanitary protection of Russian
territory is connected with the countries of Eastern, Southern and South Eastern Asia, Africa (except for
the Continent south) and also North America.
Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology
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4 articles.