Assessment of Functional Capacities of the Cardiorespiratory System in Young Adults


Tyatenkova NNORCID,Aminova OSORCID


Introduction. A contemporary man lives and acts in conditions of increasing intensity and duration of synergistic effects of numerous adverse environmental factors causing a rapid depletion of his physiological reserves. It has been proven that functional indices of the cardiovascular system are a universal indicator of compensatory and adaptive activities of the organism. The purpose of the study was to assess functional capacity of the cardiorespiratory system in young people, depending on social status and level of education. Materials and methods. The study included 1,978 young people aged 18–25 years, with different social status and educational level. Functional capacities were assessed by physiometric properties and estimated indices. Results. We established that blood pressure values were significantly higher in young men compared to women and in students compared to working youth. We also found an inverse correlation between the prevalence of hypertension and the level of education of working young adults. Average group values of the Robinson index were assessed as moderate for men and good for women. Functional capacities of the cardiovascular system in students were generally lower than those among working youth. The group average of the vital capacity index in young men and women was higher and significantly higher than the average value, respectively. Statistically higher values of this index were observed among female students compared to working young women. Conclusions. Our assessment of functional capacities of the cardiorespiratory system showed that the young women had a greater ability to respond to combined effects of adverse environmental factors adequately and securely. This ability enabled them to spend their body reserves more economically and resist diseases. The energy potential of the cardiovascular system of working youth was higher than that of students. The latter, on the other hand, demonstrated higher capacities of the respiratory system. A higher level of education among working young adults was associated with better functional capacities and adaptive reserves of the circulatory system.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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