Diseases of the Endocrine System in the Population of the Orenburg Region




Introduction. The increase in the rates of diseases of the endocrine system has been observed in the Russian Federation for many years. Unfavorable trends, including increasing growth rates and rising incidence and prevalence, are also registered in the Orenburg Region. The prevalence and structure of endocrine disorders in children and adolescents differ significantly from those in adults. The objective of our study was to establish regional features of the structure, dynamics and rates of endocrine morbidity in the population of the Orenburg Region. Materials and methods. We conducted correlation and regression analyses of data extracted from summary statistical reports for 2006–2019 issued by the State Budgetary Health Care Institution for the Orenburg Region “Medical Information and Analytical Center”. Results. In 2006–2019, the incidence rate of diseases of the endocrine system increased by 1.6 and 1.7 times in the Russian Federation and the Orenburg Region, respectively. In 2019, the growth rate in the Orenburg Region was 2.6 %. We observed age-specific differences in disease growth rates: the prevalence in the adult population increased by 1.7 times while in children aged 0–14 years this increase was already by 2.4 times. The incidence rate of endocrine disorders in the population of the Russian Federation and the Volga Federal District increased by 1.2 times, and in the Orenburg Region – by 1.5 times. By 2024, there is a 95 % probability that the prevalence of diseases of the endocrine system will range from 124.3 to 143.3 % while the incidence rates might range from 20.6 to 38.6 % with the same confidence level. Conclusions. Our findings indicate unfavorable trends in the rates of diseases of the endocrine system among both adults and children.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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