Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Levels at Workplaces of Technical Specialists of Cellular Communication


Gorokhov EBORCID,Lyapkalo AAORCID


Introduction: One of the main professional groups of workers in cellular radiotelephone communication includes technical specialists who serve and ensure trouble-free operation of radio transmitters of cellular base stations (BS). Transmitting antennas and BS equipment are powerful sources of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMFs) and one of the main adverse physical factors of the working environment for technicians. RF EMFs affect the functional state of various systems of the human body including the nervous, cardiovascular, and immune systems. The objective of our study was to assess the exposure to RF EMFs of cellular communication technical specialists and to establish occupations with the highest exposure levels. Materials and methods: Instrumental testing of energy flux density of the electromagnetic wave generated by BS receiving and transmitting equipment was carried out at service sites of cellular communication facilities by technical specialists of the industry. The time spent by technicians at workplaces with high EMF levels during the average work shift was measured. Results: The analysis of collected data showed that 28 % of energy flux density values measured at workplaces exceeded the maximum permissible level for the personnel serving radio transmitters and spending from 12 to 61 % of the work shift in the specified conditions. We established that network construction engineers, network operation engineers, power engineers, technical audit specialists, network development engineers, and mechanics were exposed to increased RF EMF levels. Conclusion: Our findings indicate the necessity to monitor and reduce occupational exposures of technical specialists of cellular communication in order to improve their working conditions and prevent, inter alia, RF EMS-related diseases.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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