
Makarova V.V.,Zorina I.G.


The paper presents the results of monitoring of intraschool factors and gives a hygienic assessment of the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of schools and the organization of the educational process in schools of Chelyabinsk. It was established that 56.4 % of establishments with satisfactory conditions of stay and education belong to the second group and 0.6 % of schools belong to the third group of sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing. In the study of class schedules, non-compliance with hygienic standards was found in 26.3 % of cases. Subjects of high difficulty level are put the first on schedule in 15.0 % of cases and during 5–8 lessons in 10.0 % of cases. We assessed the anxiety levels of 5–11th grade students (total 2 032 schoolchildren). High levels of reactive anxiety were found among 35.7 % of students and personal anxiety among 37.0 % of schoolchildren respectively. The most significant causes of psychological discomfort in educational establishments are the conditions of a new digital intraschool environment and educational overload, which can manifest themselves in a high anxiety level among students, which necessitates the development of hygienic principles for the formation of a health-saving environment.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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