Main Trends in Formation of the General Neurological Disability among People Older than Working Age in Moscow


Samusenko A.G.ORCID,Zapariy N.S.ORCID


The article presents an analysis of the formation of general disability among persons older than working age due to diseases of the nervous system in Moscow. Introduction. Disability among the population – one of the most important medical and social problems – is an integral indicator. The purpose of the study is to study the patterns of the formation of general disability. Materials and methods. The study is solid for 2012–2018, using statistical forms of observation: form 7-sobes, statistical collections of THE Federal Security Service of the Russian Ministry of Labour. Research methods – excavation of information, descriptive statistics (absolute, extensive, intense indicators, series of dynamics, reliability assessment (average error). The results of the study. There has been an increase in the overall number of disabled people with a more pronounced growth rate in Moscow compared to the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation. The structure of general disability due to diseases of the nervous system was dominated by re-recognized persons with disabilities, but their share is lower than in the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation. The structure was dominated by disabled people in the third group with a tendency to increase their specific weight and disability, and there was a decrease in the proportion of disabled people in the I–II group and their levels. Conclusions. The total number of disabled persons among persons of older working age due to diseases of the nervous system in the dynamics of 2012–2018 has steadily increased, the growth rate was 18.6%, which is significantly higher than in the Central Federal District (4.1%) and the Russian Federation (8.2%). The structure was dominated by persons re-recognized as disabled, their share in the dynamics tended to increase, but the figure was lower than in the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation. The general population of persons with disabilities remained at 6,5 ± 0.11 cases per 10,000 of population of the appropriate age. The structure of general disability in severity was dominated by group III persons with disabilities, with a tendency to increase their specific weight and disability level. The proportion of persons with group I–II disabilities and their level tended to decrease


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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