Increasing the Resistance of the Body to Adverse Cytotoxic Effects of Amorphous Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles


Solovyeva SNORCID,Sutunkova MPORCID,Minigalieva IAORCID,Chernyshov INORCID,Gurvich VBORCID,Katsnelson BAORCID,Privalova LIORCID


Introduction: Amorphous silicon dioxide nanoparticles of (SiNPs) are among the most common nanomaterials today. Besides, industrial aerosols formed by condensation and containing a significant proportion of SiNPs are spontaneously produced by a number of pyrometallurgical and welding processes. A significant number of individuals are therefore exposed to SiNPs in the occupational setting or polluted ambient air and while using this nanomaterial. The purpose of our experimental study was to develop a preventive method promoting the resistance of the organism to adverse cytotoxic effects of amorphous silicon dioxide nanoparticles. Materials and methods: White laboratory rats received a monthly course of a specially developed bioprophylactic complex (BPC) before a single intratracheal instillation of a SiNPs suspension at a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL. The suspension was obtained by laser ablation of thin sheet targets of the appropriate material of 99.99 % purity in sterile deionized water. The average diameter of SiNPs was 43 ± 11 nm. Cytological (the number of bronchoalveolar macrophages and neutrophils and their ratio) and cytochemical indices of the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid (alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, amylase, and lactate dehydrogenase) were evaluated at 24 hours after the injection. The bioprophylactic complex was administered to the animals with feed and drink and included monosodium glutamate, fish oil rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), iodine, and an antioxidant complex of selenium, quercetin (rutoside), and vitamins A, E, and C. Conclusions: Our findings show that changes in both cytological and biochemical BAL parameters proved a positive health effect of premedication that helped reduce cytotoxicity of SiNPs exposure.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology







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