Hygienic Characteristics of a Physically Active Lifestyle of Primary School Children of Different Gender


Morgachev OVORCID,Khramtsov ORCID


Background: The lifestyle of primary school children has a direct impact on the level of physical activity that plays a crucial role in their health improvement. Our objective was to assess gender-specific characteristics of a physically active lifestyle of primary school children. Materials and methods: A questionnaire-based survey of 124 boys and 141 girls aged 8–10 years was conducted to collect information about the main lifestyle factors contributing to the increase in physical activity. Results: Only 12.1±2.7 % of girls and 24.2±3.8 % of boys reported sufficient duration of outdoor activities (p < 0.05). 71.8±4.0 % of boys and 74.5±3.7 % of girls attend sports clubs and take dance classes. The proportion of those doing martial arts and playing sports games was higher in boys than in girls: 35.5±4.3 % against 3.5±1.6 % (p < 0.001) and 20.2±3.6 % against 10.6±2.6 % (p < 0.05), respectively. On the opposite, more girls did complex coordinated sports and took dance classes compared to boys: 41.8±4.2 % against 8.1±2.4 % (p < 0.001). We established that 79.8±3.6 % of boys and 75.9±3.6 % of girls (p>0.05) engaged in physical activity independently and/or with parents. We also found that 16.9±3.4% of boys and 29.8±3.9% of girls did not take part in active play during school breaks and at leisure (p<0.05). Physical education lessons were enjoyed by 84.7±3.2% of boys and 87.2±2.8% of girls (p>0.05). Conclusions: The lifestyle of modern primary school boys and girls has specific features that must be taken into account when implementing a sex-differentiated approach during physical education classes. It is expedient to engage boys in sports games and exercises that help develop coordination and flexibility and girls – in outdoor and sports games.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

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