Introduction: Safe handling and disposal of medical waste are important aspects of ensuring epidemiological safety of medical activities.
Objective: To analyze performance of republican health facilities in rendering basic services for hazardous infectious and highly infectious waste management.
Materials and methods: This work is a part of a study of basic water, sanitation, and hygiene services rendered. The materials covered information about medical waste handling and management in 350 health facilities in terms of epidemiological safety. Data were collected from November 2020 to January 2021 using a checklist.
Results: In most healthcare facilities (56 %), medical wastes, both infectious and highly infectious, are properly separated into three containers: emergency, infectious, and non-infectious wastes. The most common problems observed were related to labeling or color, and compatibility, with the type of waste in the bins. Health facilities still use open burning or other forms of hazardous disposal (24 %). The process of disposal of hazardous and infectious wastes in healthcare facilities shows that safe waste handling is not ensured by the management. Provision of basic waste management services in the coverage areas is at a low level (in the Districts of Republican Subordination/Dushanbe – 35.8 %, in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Sughd and Khatlon Regions – 11.1 %, 43.3 %, and 36.4 %, respectively), which requires making urgent decisions and establishing procedures for the safe disposal of sharps and infectious wastes.
Conclusion: The study results revealed significant shortcomings and unsafe practices, as well as deviations from the basic level that ensures epidemiological safety in health facilities and protects health of patients and medical personnel.
Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology
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