The 30th Anniversary of the Russian Journal Public Health and Life Environment: Milestones, Strategy and Prospects


Popova ORCID,Zaitseva ORCID,Gorbacheva Nataliya A.ORCID,Podunova Ludmila G.ORCID,Trukhina Galina M.ORCID,Kiryanova Ekaterina D.ORCID,Letushev Aleksandr N.ORCID,Kaunina Daria V.ORCID


Introduction: New challenges of technological development and political turbulence in the world predetermine the increasing importance of science and its achievements for strengthening the sovereignty of the Russian statehood, ensuring national security and economic development, and improving the welfare of the population. Objective: To examine the development of the Russian peer-reviewed journal Public Health and Life Environment and its milestones, to identify the role of the title as a mass medium for presentation of results of scientific research in the field of preventive medicine, and to determine its perspectives based on the analysis of scientometric indicators. Materials and methods: Using descriptive method, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as elements of content analysis and quantitative methods the process of formation and development of the journal Public Health and Life Environment from 1993 to 2023. It outlines the role of the journal in popularizing achievements in the field of healthcare management and preventive medicine over this period. It sets out the work done, consisting of a complex of interrelated activities aimed at increasing the quality of the content, improving the performance of the editorial board, strengthening communication and recognition of the journal in the academic community. The paper also defines trends of development based on the analysis of scientometric indicators of 60 issues of the journal published in 2018–2022 and substantiates strategic steps of the editorial policy, i.e. acceptance of the title for Scopus. Results: Over the past thirty years, the periodical has grown from a newsletter to a scientific and practical journal and has successfully established itself as a scientific peer-reviewed publication that complies with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission. By means of thematic profiling and a series of organizational activities, the journal has proven itself as an authoritative scientific publication popularizing current achievements in the field of public health, sociology of medicine, hygiene, epidemiology, and occupational health, and was included in several science abstract and citation databases, including Scopus. Conclusion: In order to further optimize scientific communication, meet the requirements set forth for the titles included in bibliometric databases of scientific citation, and improve the efficiency of the publisher and the editorial board, it is essential to update bibliometric indicators of the journal and expand the geography of authors and affiliated institutions, which will predetermine its future scientific growth and its comprehensive development.


Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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