1. The Committee on Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The article discusses the concept of information
and its importance today, the use of information in Uzbekistan
and the world, the measures taken to ensure information
security. In this regard, the fact that virtual information poses
a direct threat to the socio-political processes of society is
also covered in detail. Places where the virtual threats are
reflected and ways to eliminate them have been revealed.
The article illustrates how effective the virtual world
and virtual communication have become for individuals and
society. It is emphasized that several terms (virtual life, virtual
family, and virtual love) have emerged in connection with the
word virtual, which has become popular.
We know that the information spread on the Internet
today, in addition to its positive significance, also reflects
the negative. In particular, the growing amount of negative
information spread on social networks such as YouTube,
Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp creates the need to address the
problems in this area. The growing distortion of information
about positive changes in society among young people
through the Internet, especially the anonymous penetration
of religious fanaticism into their worldview, underscores the
importance of studying and preventing this problem. The body
part of the article focuses on the use of the opportunities of
the virtual world in the spread of religious, extremist ideas.
In this regard, the fact that the terrorist and extremist groups
have not left indifferent to the considerable influence of social
networks and Internet sites and their activeness in using these
tools are shown in the example of ISIS.
To conclude, the article provides suggestions and
recommendations on the need to protect future generations
from the threats of the virtual world
International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
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