The international community did not immediately reach the current level of regulation of international relations.This process is the result of international legal practical experience accumulated from the distant past to the present. Islamic law also plays a special role in this process. The article provides information on the formation and development of the “Siyar” branch of Islamic law, which is the science of regulating international relations in Islam. Siyar first described the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In addition, Siyar is the science of rules arranging the relations of Muslims with members of other religions in times of war and peace. In particular, we studied the rules of jurisprudence on the treaties of war and peace between Muslims and non-Muslims, the humanitarian principles to be followed in waging war, the procedure for sending ambassadors to other countries, the rights and obligations of representatives of different religions living in Muslim lands through Siyar science. The development of Siyar science was a necessity of the time. As a result of the expansion of the Arab Caliphate, there was a need to establish relations with members of different religions and nationalities. It led scholars to write works on Siyar. In particular, faqihs such as Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shabi, Imam Muhammad, Awzai, Sawri, and Fazari wrote books on this subject. Specialists who have studied the science of Siyar also show its peculiarities in their works. In particular, they expressed that international relations in Islam depended on moral principles.
International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
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