Nawaz Safia,Ayub Ayaz,Ahmad Bilal,Nawaz Tahira
Hemovigilance of blood donors is an integral part of blood transfusion system, conferring to lessen the blood donation complications and enhancing the safety of blood donors. Objective: To determine the prevalence, severity, and associated factors of acute hemovigilance reactions in the blood donors of public sector tertiary care hospital bank banks in Peshawar. Methods: A multi-centered, cross-sectional approach was applied on blood donors` population selected via random proportionate sampling, visiting 6 Public sector tertiary care hospitals in Peshawar. Adverse reactions were reported on national guidelines reporting form during and after the blood donation. Results: Out of 420 blood donors selected via random proportionate sampling of total blood donors` population, prevalence of acute adverse hemovigilance reaction was 8.57% while no adverse reactions occurred in 91.43% of the blood donors. The most frequent hemovigilance reaction was vasovagal reactions (5.2%). All the reactions were of mild to moderate severity with no life threatening hemovigilance reactions. Conclusions: The overall prevalence rate was 8.57% of all healthy blood donors` which strengthens the fact that adverse reactions are avoidable complication of blood donations among the voluntary and replacement blood donors, and can be prevented with centralized hemovigilance data base for a sustainable base of voluntary blood donors.
CrossLinks International Publishers