Management of Post Stroke Depression (PSD) Through Physical Exercise


Bazgha Dur E Najoom,Khalid Amna,Zahid Maryam,Arshad Saman,Ghaffar Tamjeed,Arif Aqsa


About one-third of patients with post-stroke depression (PSD), a common psychological disorder that impacts many stroke survivors, eventually experience depression. This depression may impair recovery and rehabilitation, lower quality of life, and raise mortality. The association between depression and stroke is complex and the underlying causes are still unclear, but there is evidence to support the possibility that both psychosocial and anatomical factors may play a role. PSD management is difficult and necessitates a multidisciplinary approach. Although some people respond well to conventional treatments like psychotherapy and medication, they may not be appropriate or available to everyone. On the other hand, a promising non-pharmacological intervention for the management of PSD is physical exercise. Physical exercise has emerged as a viable additional or substitute intervention for PSD control. There is mounting evidence that suggests physical activity can elevate mood and lessen depressive symptoms in PSD patients. Studies have shown that exercise interventions, such as aerobic exercise, resistance training, yoga, etc. can help stroke survivors with PSD who struggle with depression and anxiety as well as their general quality of life. Additionally, exercise has been linked to improvement in brain functions. This review intends to look at the evidence of physical exercise's value in treating PSD, its underlying causes, and considerable beneficial effect of exercise on depression, physical functions, and cognitive functions in stroke patients


CrossLinks International Publishers







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