Sharif Sumaira,Sarwar Hajra
Musculoskeletal pain seeks high importance due to its occurrence among the people of any profession. Objectives: To find the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and its associated work-related factors among nursing interns in a teaching public hospital of Lahore. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study design was used. Study setting for this research was Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Study population was comprised on all nursing interns working in Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Cluster sampling technique was used to collect the data. Results: The study's findings showed majority of nursing interns were between the ages of 20 and 22, accounting for 51% of them. About 125 respondents were married with percentage of 68.5%. More Half of the population (57.4%) is experiencing pain in the neck and shoulder regions. About two third populations of interest is experiencing pain or discomfort in lower back. Approximately half of the population (48.9%) is experiencing ankle and feet pain symptoms. Conclusion: The study concluded that musculoskeletal discomfort is highly common among nursing interns. Several additional body parts are frequently impacted in addition to the lower back
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