Ur Rehman Haseeb,Andaleeb Hina,Saeed Iram,Asif Tuba,Sharif Zarqa,Haq Kiran,Faizan Hamid Muhammad
Two-point discrimination is the distinction of two points put to skin at the same time (TPD). Objective: The main objective of this study is to determine the variation in two-point discrimination sense with increasing age among diabetic population. Methods: Cross Sectional conducted among 309 Diabetic Participants from age 21-60 years. Data Collected from University of South Asia, Lahore. Study completed within 6 months (from 5th September 2019 to 28th February 2020) by Non-Probability Convenient Sampling. The ability to distinguish the two-point was estimated in millimeters by using TPD tool. Results were analyzed by SPSS-25. Result: Average TPD value is 2.4888±.75428 (male 2.57±.73124 and female 2.40±.76946). There is a significant difference between the mean value of TPD for Gender (male and female [P=0.04]) and Different Age Group (20-30 age (m=1.6462±.300), 31-40 age (m=2.1609±.341), 41-50 age (m=2.7224±.342) and 51-60 age (m=3.4678±.346), [P = 0.000]. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in Two Point Discrimination (TPD) values among different age groups and gender. Females have more sensitivity than males. TPD value increase with increase of age.
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