Measurement of Uterus Sizes Of Multiparous Women using Ultrasound


Fatima Nayab,John Akash,Ali Abid,Amir Arshia,Mubbarka Maryam


Human uterus is a pear-shaped fibromuscular organ. The measurements of a typical uterus are 7.6x4. 5x3cm. The uterus grows slowly during fetal life until the end of the first trimester when it grows at a higher rate due to increased maternal oestrogen production. As a result of this continuation of the maternal oestrogen the uterus shrinks immediately after delivery. Objective: To evaluate uterus size in multiparous women using ultrasound. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried out at private sector hospital of Gujrat over 4 months period from December 2021 to March 2022. The sample size was 41 calculated via a convenient sampling approach from previously published studies. Multiparous women following ultrasound examination during the study period were included after receiving informed consent. The patients’ demographic statistics were collected on a specially designed data collecting sheet. The data was analyzed using the SSPS V20 program. Results: The average length was 7.9±1.15, width was 4.3±0.77, and thickness 3.5±0.66. There was no significant correlation between uterine size (length, width, thickness) and many parities because the value in the "Sig. (2-tailed)" is 0.607, 0.640, and 0.983 respectively which is more than 0.05.Conclusion: The current study found no correlation between the number of parities and the length, width, and thickness diameters of the uterus.


CrossLinks International Publishers







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