Primary Trans-anal Endorectal Pull Through for The Management of Hirschsprung Disease: Our Experience of 20 Cases


Haider Naveed Haider,Sulman Butt Muhammad,Varda Komal,Shahbaz Ferheen,Ajaz Maryam,Saeed Afeefa,Saleem Javeria


Hirschsprung’s disease can be defined in terms of the aganglionic part of the colon and the definitive treatment is a one-stage trans-anal endorectal pull-through surgery.  Objectives: To find out the efficacy and safety of this one-stage pull-through. Mostly the surgery is done in early childhood or the neonatal period, as the case is less frequently reported in older children and adolescents. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted including 16 males and 4 females. 20 cases including children of 6 months to 14 years, all were diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease in the study duration of two years. The diagnostic criteria of these patients included; Clinical history of delayed passage of meconium, contrast enema, and rectal biopsy. Definitive variables were; Age, sex, and length of the aganglionic part of the colon. Results: All the patients included in the study had distended abdomens and persistent constipation. All of them have an aganglionic colon, a diagnosing feature of Hirschsprung’s disease. All patients underwent the trans-anal endorectal one-stage pull-through. The average operative time recorded was 150 minutes. Post-operative complications were also recorded including anastomosis leakage (only in one case; for that a diversion colostomy was done), anastomotic stenosis or stricture (not reported in any case), enterocolitis and perineum irritation (In four cases), Transient fecal incontinence is a major complication (11 cases had transient fecal incontinence which resolved spontaneously with 1 to 2 weeks). No death had been recorded. Conclusion: For the treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease, primary trans-anal endorectal pull-through is a safe and efficient technique.  


CrossLinks International Publishers







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