Elaboration of a training plan in the technical management of the copoazú crop for producers of La Vereda de Balcanes in the municipality of Florencia, Caquetá


Calderón Trujillo Brayan Stiven,Sánchez Castillo VereniceORCID


The production chain of Amazonian fruits, such as copoazú, is gaining relevance due to its food potential and its applications in various industries. In Colombia, especially in the department of Caquetá, copoazú is presented as a business opportunity that can contribute to economic and social development, particularly in areas affected by violence and poverty. This internship focuses on developing a training plan in the technical management of the copoazú crop for producers in the Balcanes district of the municipality of Florencia, Caquetá. This plan aims to improve ecological agriculture and provide farmers with technical knowledge that will allow them to increase their productivity and improve their quality of life. The training plan will include learning modules that will address the specific needs and requirements of Copoazú farmers. A qualitative approach of a descriptive nature will be used, applying techniques such as surveys and interviews with six farmers selected for convenience. This methodology will allow for the collection of detailed data on participants' perceptions and knowledge, facilitating the design of more effective educational strategies. The study also considers the international context of copoazú cultivation, highlighting the lack of technical assistance and training in producing countries such as Bolivia and Peru. In Colombia, although copoazú has high economic and nutritional potential, producers face challenges related to technical assistance and market integration. The importance of promoting sustainable agriculture is emphasized throughout the document, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals, such as "zero hunger", "responsible production and consumption" and "climate action". The implementation of agroecological practices and the strengthening of farmers' organizational capacity are essential to ensure sustainable development in the Amazon region. In conclusion, this internship work seeks to establish a sustainable agricultural program in the Balcanes village, optimizing copoazú crops and improving the living conditions of farmers through a technical training plan adapted to their needs and the local context.


A & G Editor

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