Nursing care for patients with severe preeclampsia in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of a national hospital in Chimbote.


López Baca Carla,Zelada Juárez Tania


Preeclampsia is a complication of the third trimester of pregnancy that affects the maternal-fetal dyad, which is the reason for the patient's admission to the service. The objective was to describe the nursing care of a pregnant woman with preeclampsia with severity criteria in a hospital in Chimbote, 2022. The study had a qualitative approach, single case type, the methodology was the nursing care process, which included the patient of 25 years of age, in which all the stages of the Nursing Care process were followed: the assessment stage was carried out through the assessment framework of Maryori Gordon's 11 functional patterns. Nine altered patterns were found, prioritizing four: Nutritional/metabolic, perceptive/cognitive, sexuality, reproduction and activity/exercise, the diagnostic stage was formulated using the NANDA I classification, eight nursing diagnoses were identified, one of them being prioritized through the reasoning network; Likewise, the planning stage was carried out taking into account the NOC NIC Taxonomy, in the execution stage the care was administered and the evaluation was given by the difference in start and end scores respectively. In conclusion, the nursing care process made it possible to provide humanized, individual and quality care to the patient in a systematic, logical, orderly manner, with favorable results.


A & G Editor

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