
Tarasenko ElenaORCID


The strength properties of subsiding loess soils are considered in the mathematical modeling of their compaction by deep explosions. Soil compaction is carried out in order to eliminate their subsidence properties. Correlation and regression analyzes of the dependences of strength on the physical characteristics of loess were carried out, using the soils of the North Caucasus as an example. The correlation dependence of the specific cohesion and the angle of internal friction on the physical characteristics of the subsidence soil is established. Correlation coefficients were obtained for various indices of moisture content and loess density. The studies were carried out before and after soil compaction in this way. Both positive and negative correlations between the studied characteristics of subsiding loess soil were recorded. With an increase in moisture, a high correlation was observed with the strength characteristics of the soil before and after its compaction by deep explosions. The equations of regression of specific cohesion and the angle of internal friction on soil moisture and density are constructed. The reliability coefficients of approximation of theoretical regression equations and experimental data demonstrate high values. The regression equations of specific adhesion and the angle of internal friction on soil moisture showed that the values of strength characteristics increase with decreasing values of soil moisture. The regression dependence of the specific cohesion and the angle of internal friction on the density of subsidence loess has been studied. It has been established that an increase in the values of strength characteristics was recorded with an increase in the density of loess soil before and after its compaction by deep explosions. The constructed regression equations make it possible to predict the strength characteristics of loess at the stage of designing the bases and foundations of construction objects.


Publishing House ASV (Izdatelstvo ASV)

Reference22 articles.

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