Formation of the Ecosystem of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation: Institutional Aspect


Inshakova Elena1ORCID


1. Volgograd State University


Based on the methodology of evolutionary economics and economic genetics in the development of foreign and Russian theoretical approaches to the study of the essence and content of ecosystems in modern economic science and their identification in economic practice, the article substantiates the objective necessity and significance of creating an institutional ecosystem of digital economy that is relevant to the priorities of the neo-industrialization of Russia as a part of the transition to the 6th technological mode. It is substantiated that the institutional ecosystem is an integral and obligatory component of the socio-economic ecosystem of digital economy. Main components of the institutional ecosystem of the digital economy of the Russian Federation are highlighted in the logical accordance with its structural elements (institutions, organizations and institutes that contribute to ensuring effective economic activity in the digital environment). The institutional barriers that impede technological modernization and digital transformation of modern Russian economy (non-systematic formation of the institutional environment of digital economy, discreteness of its institutional space in territorial, administrative and demographic aspects; underestimation of the role of the state institutions and state control mechanisms for the implementation of the digital scenario of economic development, etc. were identified. The author proposes the system of measures to overcome them, including: increasing the level of homogeneity and continuity of the institutional space of digital economy to ensure uniform “rules of the game” for participants in digital economic interactions; systematic formation of the institutional matrix, reflecting the structure of relations between the main institutional actors (government, business, consumers); activation of informal institutions of digital economy based on increasing the digital culture of entrepreneurs and citizens, developing their competencies in the digital consumption field, ensuring information security; overcoming institutional traps that reproduce opportunistic behavior in the digital environment and reduce the transactional effects of using digital technologies in the economic turnover.


Volgograd State University

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